
Friday, December 23, 2011

Calendar Girl - Miss October

For the last few years, Dave Gray has been publishing a desk calendar featuring the PDRacer, a small sailboat. Dave owns PolySail International and has been supplying low-cost, high performance polytarp sails and sailmaking kits to homeboatbuilers since 1996.

Last year, I built a couple of PDRacers, also known as a Puddle Duck. For next year's calendar, Dave wanted to include me. It made me feel good to be recognized by a fellow boat builder.

These little boats are a lot of fun to sail. Like I always say, "The smaller the boat, the bigger the adventure."

Thursday, December 22, 2011


I have had a mental block when it comes to the cabin top. But, I think maybe I'm past that and back working on it. I was a little burned out with the build, needed to take a little time off. Now, if I can stick with it, I can finish it. The colder weather makes it too easy to say, "It's cold out there in the garage, I'll wait until it warms up." That excuse isn't going to work anymore.

My tools are finally pulled out of boxes and organized on the wall or shelf. This makes the build go a little smoother too. I don't spend 15 minutes digging for that clamp or bit.

Got the side frames done. Some of the beams are made. And, of course, now I need more epoxy.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


As I was looking through my pictures of TARDIS, I realized that I never posted anything about the way I did the chine runners.

Before I attached the bottom, I only rough cut to the approximate size. After nailing the bottom in place, I then trimmed off the extra.
I took measurements from the plans and marked the area that extended from the sides to make the base of the chine runners. Once she was rolled over, I marked the line on the hull for the top of the chine runner. Blocks of wood where then glued and screwed in place to fill in from the line on the hull down to the edge of the bottom. Once the epoxy had cured, the screws were removed and holes filled with ... you guessed it... thickened epoxy. Then the sanding began.

After I had applied the three layers of woven roving, and while it was still turned upside down, I painted the bottom and the sides below the waterline.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Kemah Christmas Boat Parade 2011

The only Christmas tradition I have, is attending the Boat Parade in Kemah. I have attended the last 4 of 5 years. Some of the boats are really lit up. Very festive. If you ever have the opportunity to go, it is well worth it.

Some boats have themes. This year I saw the Griswolds...

Elvis and show girls...

and lots of Santas!

Maybe I can get into the Christmas spirit after seeing all these lights and Santas. For some reason, this year just hasn't been the same. It will hit me at the last minute... I'm sure... I hope.