I know, I know... I haven't posted anything in a LONG time!
I have taken a little break in the build. I needed to back away because I was just burnt out. I am taking this time to enjoy being with my friends and just chillin'. And, I will start to prepare for the TX200.
The TX200 is a gathering of small sailboats that will put in at Port Isabel, TX on Monday, June 11, and finish the trip at Seadrift, TX on Saturday, June 15. Charlie Jones has welcomed me as crew on his boat Traveler. Charlie is a seasoned sailor and I feel it will be an enjoyable trip.
Traveler is a 19' CLC Sharpie with amas. I'm told she was a hot boat, so amas where added. Now she is a trimaran.

As far as work goes, I have been very busy. Oh... you don't know what I do? Well, let me tell you. Last August, I began working in Kemah, TX at a canvas shop. We build canvas covers, cushions, upholstery, enclosures, T-tops... if it's soft and on a boat, we can build it. I have sewn all my life. I did work for three different needlepoint stores, and did that for 17 years. I was assistant costume designer at Midland Community Theatre for 2 1/2 years. Now, I work with canvas and vinyl mostly. And I LOVE my work. Every job is different. I get to go out to the marinas when we pattern or install.
More will be posted about the TX200 as the date draws closer. Right now, I am going to get comfortable, find a movie on Netflix and settle in for the night. Okay, where did I put that pop corn...