
Monday, September 3, 2012

This and That

Today I installed half of the insulation and the window in the sliding hatch. I need more of the blue mat that I am using for the insulation. The window went in very easy, and I think it looks nice.

The cabin rails are bolted on now. Since there is nothing to tie fenders to at midship, I installed a padeye at both ends of the cabin rail.

The pin stripe is painted. I will add a fancy .... something ... at both ends. Just haven't figured out what yet.

My friend, Charlie Jones, gave me some lead for my ballast. I will make more lead pigs this week. AND, I am making my sail this week.... look for that post by the end of the week! Exciting times!


  1. Tardis is such a nice looking boat, the workmanship is very high level. My boats always look like they were gnawed into shape by rodents in comparison. One thing you have probably already figured, use dark acrylic on that hatch window or you will have too much heat coming in. I bought Chris's old EZ Bake. It had clear windows and well deserved the name. I am replacing the clear with Bronze 2412 tint acrylic which should cut the heat factor a lot. I repainted the outside hull and cabin with a creamy yellow for visibility but that might be too hot also. Your gloss white Tardis is the best color. I am planning to buy Caprice from Chris and Cathy also for a cruise to the Bahamas next year. See you there. Stan

  2. Fine work, as always. I'm guessing the window is to see the set of the sail, any flutter in the luff, etc. Did you check your sight angle to see if it was positioned right? I found it a fussy detail in a birdwatcher-type design I built.

  3. I triple the motion! Fine work, indeed. Your documentation has been top notch as well, very informative and helpful. Could you please expound a little on the "blue mat" you are using as insulation?

  4. Stan, thank you, and I do plan to make a trip to the Bahamas.... maybe next Spring! ;-)

    Jeffrey, I sat in the cabin and tried to decide where the window would be best located. I hope I figured right. LOL

    Rags, the "blue mat" is a closed cell foam exercise mat. I bought one last summer to see if it would work. I should have gotten two. When I went back to the store I got it from, they do not carry that same one. If I can't find the same, I will just get enough of another kind.

  5. On the "blue mat". You might try a sporting goods store for the closed cell sleeping pads, sounds like the same stuff.

