photo by Sean Mulligan |
It was cold and wet, but I had a BLAST!! I got to see friends I haven't seen since my Texas departure, and made many new friends. Mike and Jackie Monies did it again!
My flight out of Key West was not smooth, but I did make it, and Jackie was patiently waiting for me when I arrived in Tulsa. Jackie is a sweetheart.
This weekend, the Monies' backyard was filled with tents, campers, and excited boatbuilders. The rain changed the schedule at times, but gave everyone the opportunity to visit with others instead of isolated in their boat on the water. There was still sailing time, and the weather was good on Sunday.
photo by Scott Widmier |
On Saturday, SCOUT was put in the water. Sean graciously offered me the opportunity to sail her. I had already sailed her a million miles in my mind, but had never had my hand on the tiller… today was the day. Sean and I climbed in, pushed off, and Sean took us out. After we were past the stumps… yes there were stumps above and just below the surface. This made me a little nervous, I didn't want to be the one to knock a hole in Sean's boat and sink her with all the spectators on the beach with cameras. Once we were out a ways, Sean and I switched places and I took the tiller. There were many people watching, a couple of boats came out to take pictures, I almost felt like the celebrities with the paparazzi following them. All eyes on us for a moment.
I do have to add, my original plan for splashing her would go like this: I would quietly take her to a nearby lake. Put her in the water, take her out, clumsily learn to sail her and then take her home. The next week, I announce her splashing and invite friends. I don't do well with everyone watching. This weekend, there were many eyes on us.

Two sets of those eyes were The Laydens. Yes, Matt and Karen Layden. For those of you that don't know who this couple is, Matt designed the Paradox. I was nervous, and excited for Matt to see my build. I am a novice boat builder, and Matt is the MASTER! When Sean and I reached the shore, Sean went to Matt and asked if he wanted to take SCOUT out for a sail. Matt commented that nobody had ever offered that before. He took a quick look at the way SCOUT was rigged, turned her around, gave her a push and jumped in. WOW!. How many get to watch Matt Layden sail a boat they built!. I stood at the water's edge shivering, waiting for Matt and SCOUT'S return. I was not leaving. I suppose he enjoyed the sail, because he was out for a while. It didn't matter how long he was out, I wasn't leaving. When he returned, I got to watch years of experience sailing a Paradox in action. His comment to me was that she sailed like she was suppose to. You don't know how good that made me feel. My head did swell a little, and I was so proud of what I had built. Matt Layden had put the stamp of approval on my work.
I tried to insert a video of Matt sailing SCOUT, and I just couldn't get it done. SO, here is a link to that video:
The next morning, Sunday morning, Sean and I were suppose to give a presentation on the building and sailing of the Paradox. I was nervous about standing in front of these builders with many years of experience, professional designers, the designer of the Paradox… and my brother that had ridden his motorcycle 10 hours just to see me give this presentation. No, there was NO PRESSURE AT ALL. I fumbled through it, mostly showing pictures but it was received well. Sean's part was great, he is used to speaking in public and played awesome video and pictures of SCOUT. Matt even commented that he would like to have one of the photographs of SCOUT under sail. Again….WOW!.
All the lights work on CHEVY DUCK. |
photo by Kelly Attebury |
That afternoon, my brother, Kelly, and I went to the beach where all the action was. There was a Puddle Duck race, which is always fun to watch. Next, there was a Marshmallow Scoop race. Marshmallows (actually they were peeps) are flung out into the water and the small vessels maneuver around and scoop up these marshmallows with a net provided them. Whoever gets the most marshmallows, wins. I was standing on the beach with Kelly, when I hear my name called out. I turn and my friend,John Goodman, the proud owner of CHEVY DUCK, asks if I would be his scooper. YES, I join him and take the net. I have to tell you that this was a blast. John is very skilled with CHEVY DUCK, and was able to put me in perfect position to scoop those peeps. Not long after we got started, the handle broke off and I lost my net. We skillfully recover it, but when Chuck Pierce lost his net due to the handle breaking…John and I went into pirate mode and snatched Chuck's full net from the water. But, we politely returned the net… empty. When the count was done, the winner of the Marshmallow Scoop race was team "Lezlie and John Goodman in CHEVY DUCK" with 224 peeps!
It was an awesome weekend. I finally met Jackie Monies and Sean Mulligan, attend a Sail Oklahoma, met many wonderful people, and I got to spend time with my brother. I was able to see the boat that I spent so much time with, and sail her. There are so many memories, good and bad, attached to that boat named SCOUT. She knows many secrets told her during troubling times in my life. She was my BFF. There are blood, sweat and tears, literally, soaked deep into her wood. When I saw her for the first time since I left Texas, my heart jumped and tears came to my eyes. I was glad I was alone with her, we had our moment. Do I regret selling her? In a way I do, but I have started a new life, and I don't want to drag the bad memories attached to her, into this new life. She is where she is suppose to be, and if I want to sail her, Sean has extended the offer to visit any time.
I was asked if I was going to build another boat. Probably, I want to, and have two in mind. A place to build and then store, is the only problem I have. But, this weekend has awakened the building bug and you will have to stay tuned to see which one I build. But first, I will help my boyfriend finish building his bait boat. What is a bait boat, you ask? Check back next week and find out.