
Wednesday, January 8, 2014


I booked my flight home for Christmas, last summer to get a good rate. Luckily, my employer didn't have a problem with me taking a week off for my holiday visit. Three days before Christmas, I was soaking up rays in warm and sunny Key West. Two days before Christmas, I was freezing my butt off in West Texas. The cold dry weather irritated my nose and aging joints. It was not pleasant.  I love my family, but dang they live in harsh conditions.

We had a small gathering this year. Only two of my mother's grandkids made it down. My daughter and her family couldn't make the journey. We usually Skype with them if they cannot attend, but due to sick kids, worn out mother, and working father, it just didn't happen this year. My son hurried off to work before we thought about posing for our annual Christmas Photo. Bummer. Did he do that on purpose? He's not fond of having his photo taken.

As far as gifts go, I made out like a bandit: cool T-shirt, cool sunglasses, a beautiful bracelet, and a GoPro! Yeah, a GoPro… now you guys will have to endure… I mean, get to view… videos from another angle. How cool will that be! I have already purchased a bag for the camera and accessories, and am planning cool stuff to do with it.

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