Tonight was an exciting time. I got the last of the framing for the cabin top glued in place.
At the beginning of this build, I was using System Three epoxy. Now, I am using West System, mainly because I can get it locally, and at a discount. Discounts are always good! I have found that I don't have as long before the West System starts to set up, even using the slow hardener. In a way, this is a good thing, but sometimes I am working slow and have mixed up too much. But, all in all, I like the West System Epoxy.
Tonight, I turned around and this little dog was standing there staring at me. She lives across the street, and rules the neighborhood. She has been coming over to visit me more and more, and now feels comfortable enough that she curled up on a dirty rag and took a nap while I worked. I don't know her name... I call her "Mamma" because she had a couple of puppies not long ago. We are becoming good friends. Maybe I'll take her sailing one day.